Monday, March 17, 2014

It’s MIDTERM time: How to Prepare for a Test by Melanie Lewis, HCC Learning Support Testing Technician

Melanie Lewis prepares a student for her test at HCC's Learning Support Services Testing Area.

Think about this…..When you sit down to eat a meal, do you eat all of your food in one bite, or do you enjoy your meal and taste all of the flavors? 

If you eat your food in one bite, you may get choked. 

It works the same way with testing……If you study only on the night before the test, most likely you are going to choke on the test. 

How to study and make sure your studying is a success:
1.     Continually review class materials. The more you actively read over them, the more you will understand them. 
2.   Visit the Learning Support Services drop-in lab for assistance.
3.   Form a Study Group; there is power in numbers.
4.   Keep a positive attitude while you are prepping for your test. (Good thoughts make life better.)
5.     Take a break during your study time and walk around the block. Haywood Community College has the most beautiful campus around; enjoy it.
6.     Make sure you get a good night’s rest before the test.
7.     Eat a light, but filling meal so your body is full and energized. (Think of it this way, you cannot drive your car when it’s out of gas.)

What to do for TEST DAY:
1.     Make sure you use the restroom before entering the Learning Support Services Testing Center. (This will help with the thinking process.)
2.     Hard Candy or Gum may help to keep you calm. (Be Courteous and don’t chomp on the gum.)
3.     Bring your student or photo ID to the testing center.
4.     Sign-in and lock up your cell phone in the locker that is provided for you in the testing center.
5.     Take a deep breath. Oxygen is good for the brain.
6.     Enter the testing room quietly and place your personal belongings on the shelving under the windows. Take a seat in your reserved station.
7.     Read the directions slowly and carefully (VERY IMPORTANT).
8.     Write down all formulas and key information that maybe on the test while it’s fresh on your mind.
9.     Double check and make sure you have answered all of the test questions.

It’s MIDTERM time…..Make sure you call for a testing appointment at 828-627-4696.

Also, you still have time to get some extra FREE help at LEARNING SUPPORT SERVICES. Make time and drop in the lab.
Monday-Thursday 9am-7pm
Friday 9am-4pm

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