Monday, October 5, 2015

Tips to Improve Your Study Habits By Myriah Strivelli

Study group meets in the tutoring room.

By Tulane Public Relations (Studying  Uploaded by AlbertHerring) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Research has shown that there are certain steps you can take to improve your study habits. Here are a few techniques you should consider to make your studying more effective and enjoyable.

Try a new study space – Test out several study spots to see which environment works best for you. A few options include the Learning Support Services (LSS) room, the library, a picnic table on campus, a room in your house, or a café. Most people concentrate best in a quiet space, so keep that in mind.

Vary study places – According to the New York Times, cognitive scientists have revealed that switching up study places can be more effective to retain information (9 Awesome Study Tips). For instance, you could study at the library one day and at LSS the next day.

Study groups – You may want to consider studying with fellow classmates or friends. You can motivate each other, share ideas, and help each other understand the material.

Flash cards – Write your study material on index cards. This method can be a creative way to retain memory.

Test yourself – After you study put your notes away, and see what you can recall without looking at the material. You can also get someone else to quiz you on the material, or you can use flash cards. This will show you what you need to work on.

Be an active learner – Students learn and remember more information when they ask questions and participate in class discussions. This will also impress your instructor and make class more interesting.

Take breaks – Take short breaks every hour or so when you are studying. This will help clear your mind, so you won’t get bored and overloaded with too much information all at once.

Get enough sleep – Research shows that our brains work best when we have gotten enough sleep. Adults perform best with seven to nine hours of sleep a night (How Much Sleep). If you don’t get enough sleep at night, see if you can incorporate a power nap into your schedule.

Stay organized and manage your time – Use a calendar to mark important deadlines and plan your week. This will help you keep track of what is coming up and what you need to work on now. If you have a busy schedule, you can also plan hour by hour to make sure you have enough time for your work.

Works Cited
9 Awesome Study Tips for College Students.” Huffington Post. 9 Sept 2010. Web. 10 Sept 2015.
“How Much Sleep Do We Really Need?” National Sleep Foundation. Web. 10 Sept 2015.

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